
CAD Modeling & Simulations
Machining & 3D Printing
Material Selection
Dynamic Modeling
Design for Assembly & Manufacturing

Faculty Advisors

Ashish Deshpande, ReNeu Robotics Lab

This was a mechanism for Dr. Youngjin Na’s research on hand modeling at The University of Texas at Austin.

June - September 2017



two degree-of-freedom index finger exoskeleton


My task was to design and build an exoskeleton that moves a passive index finger to measure its stiffness (distance & force). I created the mechanical structure that would align to natural finger motion, and my teammate, Uksang Yoo, programmed the mechatronic and data collection portions of the mechanism.

Working with Dr. Youngjin Na, I developed an understanding of the biomechanical properties of the index finger and constraints for passive finger movement and rotation. I created an initial design of mechanical exoskeleton and built a paper model as a proof-of-concept. I then modeled the mechanism in SolidWorks to simulate the actuation and range of motion of the device before machining, assembling, and testing the final device.

Side view of vertical motion

Side view of vertical motion

Top view of horizontal motion

Top view of horizontal motion